
When attempting to access a network shared folder, DSC returns an "Access is denied" error, despite that I have provided a valid credential to it.

I'm using a DSC configuration, where a DSC "Script" resource is as follows:

Script myScriptResource {
        GetScript = {return $true}
        SetScript = {
            $setupShare = '\\SomeNetworkSharesFolder\subFolder'
            # This line produces valid results when run directly on node VM.
            $build = Get-ChildItem "FileSystem::$setupShare" -Name | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 | Out-String
            Write-Host "Final Build: $build"
        TestScript = {return $false} #Always run Set-Script block!
        Credential = $ValidNetworkShareCredential
        PsDscRunAsCredential = $ValidNetworkShareCredential

I receive an error:

VERBOSE: [MyNodeVM]:                            [[Script]myScriptResource] Performing the operation "Set-TargetResource" on target "Executing t
he SetScript with the user supplied credential".
Access is denied
    + CategoryInfo          : PermissionDenied: (\\SomeNetworkSharesFolder\subFolder:) [], CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ItemExistsUnauthorizedAccessError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetChildItemCommand
    + PSComputerName        : myNodeVM

This might be due to the fact the LCM on the node VM is using a local SYSTEM user credential by default.

I attempted to change the user credential manually by navigating to the windows services manager (Hint: RUN then services.msc), and change the user credential in the logon tab of winRM service properties. Everytime I attempt to run the Windows Remote Management (WS-Managment) service, I receive and error:

Windows could not start the Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) service on Local Computer. Error 1079: The account specified for this service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process.

I don't know how to change the credential of LCM so that it can access the network shared folder upon the execution of Get-ChildItem.

Which version of PowerShell (DSC)? Changing the LCM credential is supported in v5.briantist
v5 is what I'm using.Samer

2 Answers

Script myScriptResource {
    GetScript = {return $true}
    SetScript = {
        $username ="someusername"
        $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString “somepassword” -AsPlainText -Force
        $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secpasswd)
        $setupShare = '\\SomeNetworkSharesFolder\subFolder'
        $psDriveArgs = @{ Name = ([guid]::NewGuid()); PSProvider = "FileSystem"; Root = $setupShare; Scope = "Private"; Credential = $mycreds }
        new-psdrive @psDriveArgs -ErrorAction Stop
        # This line produces valid results when run directly on node VM.
        $build = Get-ChildItem "FileSystem::$setupShare"  | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 | Out-String
        Write-Host "Final Build: $build"
    TestScript = {return $false} #Always run Set-Script block!

There isn't an easy way to make it work with script resource because you need an ability to pass credentials to the script resource so that you can mount a drive and use it to copy/paste. If you want to copy files/directory from the share you can use 'File' resource. If you want to copy files/directory to the share you can use 'xFileUpload' resource from xPsDesiredStateConfiguration (https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/xPSDesiredStateConfiguratio-417dc71d) Module. If you really need to use script resource to do this job, look into how xFileUpload resource is doing it.