
I have a Fact table with the following rows

enter image description here

When I process my cube I want results like this : enter image description here

However when procession my cube I get the following results:enter image description here

I have fee rate (hourly rate) as a measure but it is summing the values when LineID is the same (see value highlighted in red), even though the dates and start times are different.

How can I change my Hourlyrate measure to only display the unique value and not a summation? I have tried changing the AggregationFunction to None but this gives me null values.


3 Answers


You've done a poor job of explaining your requirements and your issue.

Anyway, I would try changing the AggregationFunction for your Coll Fee Rate measure to Max. That will show the highest underlying value.


Try changing AggregationFunction for "Fee Rate" measure to AverageOfChildren

for more details



I managed to solve this by creating a Dimension table containing the fee rates and then used to this determine the rate