I am trying to filter a query based on value of an item in a listbox in specific column other than the bound column
Here is what I have so far.
I have a listbox with 2 column inv_id
and prod_id
Name of listbox is lst_MainList
. inv_id
is the bound column (column 1)
List is on a form called Projects
I am trying to create 2 queries.
First is intended to filter query based on inv_id This is easy because inv_id is my bound column
For getting the value of the second column, I tried creating a function
Public Function GetColumnValue(col As Integer, ByRef lst As Access.ListBox)
GetColumnValue = lst.Column(col)
End Function
The idea is to pass the column number and the listbox name to the function and the function will return the value of that column
Function seems OK. The problem is when I enter this function to my query as criteria
hoping to filter my query based on column 2 of the current active item, I get this error when query runs.
This expression is typed incorrectly or is too complex
I know my last option here is to add an invisible text box bound to column 2 of the listbox but I want to try the function approach because it seems much cleaner and reusable
Any idea what is wrong with my function?