My question's title may be a little bit ambiguous.
Previously, I wanted to "acquire complete list of subdirs" and then read the files in these subdirs into Stata (see this post and this post).
Thanks to @Roberto Ferrer's great suggestion, I almost manage to do this. But I encountered another problem then. Because I have so many separate files, the length of local macro seems to hit its upper bound. After the command local n: word count
Stata sends an error message:
macro substitution results in line that is too long.
The line resulting from substituting macros would be longer than allowed. The maximum allowed length is 645,216 characters, which is calculated on the basis of set maxvar. You can change that in Stata/SE and Stata/MP. What follows is relevant only if you are using Stata/SE or Stata/MP.
The maximum line length is defined as 16 more than the maximum macro length, which is currently 645,200 characters. Each unit increase in set maxvar increases the length maximums by 129.The maximum value of set maxvar is 32,767. Thus, the maximum line length may be set up to 4,227,159 characters if you set maxvar to its largest value.
When I reduce the number of subdirs to 5, Stata works fine. Since having roughly 100 subdirs, I suppose to replicate the actions for 20 times. Well, it's manageable, but I still want to know if I can fully automate this process , more specifically, to "exhaust" the max allowable macro length,import the files and add another group of subdirs next time .
Below you can find my code:
//=== read and clean projects data ===
version 14
set linesize 80
set more off
macro drop _all
set linesize 200
cd G:\Data_backup\Soufang_data
* Read all files within dictionary
* Import the first worksheets 1:"项目首页" 2:"项目概况" 3:"成交详情"
* worksheet1
filelist, directory("G:\Data_backup\Soufang_data") pattern(*.xlsx)
* Add pattern(*.xlsx) provent importing add file type( .doc or .dta)
gen tag = substr(reverse(dirname),1,6) == "esuoh/"
keep if tag==1
gen path = dirname+"\"+filename
qui valuesof path if tag==1
local filelist = r(values)
split dirname, parse("\" "/")
ren dirname4 citylist
drop dirname1-dirname3 dirname5
qui valuesof citylist if tag==1
local city = r(values)
local count = 1
local n:word count `filelist'
forval i = 1/`n' {
local file : word `i' of `filelist'
local cityname: word `i' of `city'
** don't add xlsx after `file', suffix has been added
** write "`file'" rather than `file', I don't know why but it works
qui import excel using "`file'",clear
cap qui sxpose,clear
cap qui drop in 1/1
gen city = "`cityname'"
if `count'==1 {
save house.dta,replace emptyok
else {
qui append using house
qui save house.dta,replace emptyok
local ++count
Thank you.