
Google Compute Engine guide says that Google may migrate a VM in order to do maintenance:


By default, standard instances are set to live migrate, where Google Compute Engine automatically migrates your instance away from an infrastructure maintenance event, and your instance remains running during the migration. Your instance might experience a short period of decreased performance, although generally most instances should not notice any difference.

There is a disruption during migration. Is it possible that Google decides to migrate all instances within a zone at the same time? Is there a maximum to a number of concurrent migrations?


1 Answers


Q: There is a disruption during migration?

A: Yes there is a small period of time where the instance is not running on the old host neither the new one. Here [1] you can see how the process works.

Q: Is it possible that Google decides to migrate all instances within a zone at the same time?

A: It is very unlikely that this escenario happens, as this would implicate that all your Google Compute Engine instances of your project are on the same physical host.

Q: Is there a maximum to a number of concurrent migrations?

A: I don't know the answer to that question but I have addressed to the proper team so maybe they can answer it.

You can find more about the live migration procedure here [2].

[1] https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/live-migration#how_does_the_live_migration_process_work

[2] https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/live-migration