
Thanks to the Mapbox Team for the latest offline support (see android support)

One question: If you want offline support but you also want any updates to your mapbox server side data to synchronize with a previous saved client side offline version, is that automatically support?

In other words,

  • Client A saves an offline region on DAY 1
  • The Data on the mapbox server is updated on DAY 2
  • Client A is online for a bit on DAY 3 and is viewing their Offline Region
  • Will Client A see the Server updates or their previously saved region.

It appears they will see the previously saved region and not see the updates.

If so, is there a sync'ing mode where the region will work offline but also receive updates when online and be stored for offline from then on?

The use case is a user has bad connectivity but once in a while is connected and wants the latest data without having to explicitly re-download.

If this is not supported, can it be easily done by we programmers :)

Does this not answer the question? mapbox.com/help/mobile-offline/#use-offline-resources - If the device has network connectivity, the Mapbox Mobile SDK will make periodic network requests in order to revalidate cached tiles and other resources if the Cache-Control or Expires HTTP response headers indicate that revalidation is desired. If an updated resource is available, it will replace the previous version in the offline database.Morrison Chang
@MorrisonChang Wow, I missed that. Yes that seems to mean that it is not only offline but re-synced when online. Beautiful!Ralph Yozzo

1 Answers


you are correct in saying that when client A is back online his offline map will be updated to the most recent on Mapbox server. Glad you like the feature!