
For upcomming larger Xpages project we need to use substitution rules to provide SEO friendly URLs. We need to define rules similar to this one:

Incoming URL pattern: /*/products?*
Replacement pattern: /web.nsf/view.xsp?lang=*&*

This substitution should work with URL e.g.:


and substitute to


But we just found out that when incoming rule contains '?' it simply returns Error 404 . We found this reported here http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/nd8forum.nsf/DateAllFlatWeb/a8162420467d5b45852576c7007fc045?OpenDocument. Is there any workaround or fix for this situation ? Documentation doesnt mention such limitation ... which is, in fact, very significant because we are not able to redefine the rule to fit our (very common) situation.

Any idea how to fix this?


1 Answers


I do not think you can solve that issue easily.

If you can't find an easy solution I would suggest you to look on these 2 approaches:

  1. You build DSAPI filter and define your custom substitutions there (that way speed won't be affected).
  2. You point requests to single xsp and that xsp will check incoming requests and redirect them to appropriate place (based on your custom substitutions).