Hi I am building a search application using lucene. Some of my queries are complex. For example, My documents contain the fields location and population where location is a not-analyzed field and population is a numeric field. Now I need to return all the documents that have location as "san-francisco" and population between 10000 and 20000. If I combine these two fields and build a query like this:
location:san-francisco AND population:[10000 TO 20000], i am not getting the correct result. Any suggestions on why this could be happening and what I can do.
Also while building complex queries some of the fields that I am including are analyzed while others are not analyzed. For instance the location field is not analyzed and contains terms like chicago, san-francisco and so on. While the summary field is analyzed and it generally contains a descriptive paragraph.
Consider this query:
location:san-francisco AND summary:"great restaurants"
Now if I use a StandardAnalyzer while searching I do not get the correct results when the location field contains a term like san-francisco or los-angeles (i.e it cannot handle the hyphen in between) but if I use a keyword analyzer for the query I do not get correct results either because it cannot search for the phrase "great restaurants" in the summary field.