
In group chat once user goes offline, he also goes out from group. How can I kept him in group so that he will receive chat notification as well when he comes online. I am using ejabberd and strophe js for web chat application.

have u found any solution for this???BMM
I used a trick for this. I connected ejabberd with MySQL instead of mnesia. So whenever a user comes online, I programmatically add the user in his group and fetch all the conversation through an API call. Basically api fetch all the messages from MySQL database after the time user left the group. A lot of manual work and approach is not as good but for time being I used it.Piyush Singhal

1 Answers


Multi-User Chat as defined in XEP-0045 is based on presence. Thus, that's the expected behaviour.

ejabberd also implements a work in progress extension written by the XSF: XEP-0369: Mediated Information eXchange (MIX).

ejabberd master implements that specification already even if this is just a draft. At the moment, it is not finished and is just experimental. It cannot be used in production just yet.