
I'm working on constructing my parse data structure from bison's semantic values. One particular structure is of type std::vector<double>. I'm curious how the bison internals handle moving semantic values. I tried analyzing the c++.m4 file, and found:

template <typename Base>
  ]b4_parser_class_name[::basic_symbol<Base>::move (basic_symbol& s)
    ]b4_variant_if([b4_symbol_variant([this->type_get ()], [value], [move],
                   [value = s.value;])[]b4_locations_if([
    location = s.location;])[

Unfortunately, I cannot decipher this nearly enough to make out the efficiency of moving a data structure like std::vector, partly owing to my ignorance of the m4 syntax.

Given this in my grammar:

%define api.token.constructor
%define api.value.type variant
%type < std::vector<double> > numlist
    num             { $$ = std::vector<double>(); $$.push_back($1); }
|   numlist "," num { $$ = $1; $$.push_back($3); }

I am uncertain of the performance implications. Note that this will be compiled with a C++98 compiler and not a C++11 compiler; hence there will be no move semantics.

I'm guessing that the $$ = std::vector<double>() statement could be removed; I assume it would be default-constructed already, but I haven't tested and I'm not sure how bison's internal variant type works. What I'm particularly interested in is the $$ = $1; $$.push_back($3); Will the vector be copied for every item that is to be added?

I can't determine if this is a case for switching the type to std::vector<double> *; admittedly, much of the reasoning behind using bison's variant type was to use plain C++ types instead of a union of pointers.

I've also had similar curiosities on a parser that does in fact make use of C++11/14 and in particular std::unique_ptr. If one line of a left-recursive rule assigned, say $$ = std::make_unique<...>(...), would the following be able to do $$ = $1; $$->...?


1 Answers


I am not a Bison / Yacc expert but you can have a look at the generated code:

  case 2:
#line 20 "test.yy" // lalr1.cc:846
    { yylhs.value.as<  std::vector<double>  > () = std::vector<double>();
      yylhs.value.as<  std::vector<double>  > ().push_back(yystack_[0].value.as< double > ()); }
#line 1306 "test.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:846

  case 3:
#line 21 "test.yy" // lalr1.cc:846
    { yylhs.value.as<  std::vector<double>  > () = yystack_[2].value.as<  std::vector<double>  > (); 
      yylhs.value.as<  std::vector<double>  > ().push_back(yystack_[0].value.as< double > ()); }
#line 1312 "test.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:846

Which lays inside the parser::parse method and where yylhs is a local variable of type stack_symbol_type and yystack_ is an attribute of the parser class of type stack_type (which contains stack_symbol_type).

It looks like the answer is yes, the whole vector will be copied when you do $$ = $1, and I don't see how a compiler could optimize this. The declaration of as is as follows:

template <typename T>
T& as();

With a const variant, so the affectation is done on the type T, which in your case is std::vector<double>, and thus a copy is made. Even if you use move semantics, a copy would be made because the RHS is not an xvalue.