I've been running into a problem with Scanner#nextLine. From my understanding, nextLine() should return the rest of the current input stream and then move on to the next line.
while (true){
System.out.println("Please enter a month in numeric form");
month = input.nextInt();
System.out.println("Please enter a day in numeric form");
day = input.nextInt();
System.out.println("Please enter a two-digit year");
if (input.hasNextInt() == true){
year = input.next();
throw new java.util.InputMismatchException();
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("\nOne of your inputs was not valid.");
The problem is the last line. If I leave it as input.nextLine(), the next iteration of the loop accepts a newline character for the month. Why is that? Shouldn't the call to nextLine in the catch block consume the rest of the line (including the newline) and prompt the user correctly in the next iteration? Note: I've decided to print them to try and figure out what's happening, but no cigar.
I've gathered some output from the terminal to illustrate what I mean:
// What should happen (this is when catch contains input.next() rather than nextLine)
Please enter a month in numeric form
Please enter a day in numeric form
Please enter a two-digit year
One of your inputs was not valid.
Please enter a month in numeric form <------------- prompts for input, as expected
// What happens when I have nextLine in the catch block (code above)
Please enter a month in numeric form
Please enter a day in numeric form
Please enter a two-digit year
One of your inputs was not valid.
<------------ leftover newline printed, as expected
Please enter a month in numeric form <---------------- does not prompt for input due to another leftover newline (why?)
One of your inputs was not valid.
badinput <----------------------- prints badinput even though it should've been consumed on the last iteration (why?)
Please enter a month in numeric form
Before someone marks this as a duplicate, please understand that I've looked at the differences between next and nextLine on stackoverflow already. nextLine should consume the newline character but it doesn't seem to do that here. Thanks.
if (input.hasNextInt() == true){
is the same asif (input.hasNextInt()){
. Why compare to true? – Andreas