I have written a function where a user inputs the TYPE of strategy to use (i.e. By.XPATH, By.ID, By.NAME, ect..) and the ADDRESS of where that object should exist and the function will select the Selenium method to use, locate the object, and scroll it into view.
view_object(driver, type, address):
strategy = {
"css_selector": driver.find_element_by_css_selector,
"id": driver.find_element_by_id,
"link_text": driver.find_element_by_link_text,
"name": driver.find_element_by_name,
"xpath": driver.find_element_by_xpath
lhsType, rhsType = type.split(".", 1)
find_element = strategy.get(rhsType.lower())
obj = find_element(address)
driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", obj)
The reason I created this function had to do with tests I had that failed to run on Internet Explorer (IE) that weren't failing on Firefox or Chrome. After some investigation, I concluded the failures would occur anytime I was trying to test an object that needed to first be scrolled to and made visible on the page.
Anyhow, back to the issue. I have a situation where the code fails at the "obj = find_element(element)" line because the object takes about 30-45 seconds to load.
To resolve this issue, I believe I need to create a class in such a way that this line of code can use the Selenium WebDriverWait(driver, time) method and then it will have an allotted amount of time to attempt this operation before failing. How would I go about this?