I would like to develop single sign on for my application and make it available for many organizations which already have their own Azure ADs and their own users in their Azure ADs.
I would like to make my application multi-tenant but I miss some configuration options. For example:
Adding a custom application to my client's Azure AD from [Add an application from a gallery]>[Custom] seems to be broken. There there is only the link to the documentation.
Would it be possible for the organizations to customize it the application after adding it to their Azure AD? I mean are they able to change the tile logo and the name of the application for their users?
I guess there would be an option to configure multiple single-tenant applications one for each of my customers that would point to the same sign-on url and redirect url, but I would like to avoid this option because in this case I would need a separate client ID and secret for each organization.
Kind Regards,