
I'm making a kanban view in Odoo 9 to display my model in columns based in a Many2one field.

I've created my kanban view like this:

<kanban create="false" edit="false" delete="false" quick_create="false" default_group_by="resource_id">

I only want this view for read only, I don't want to edit or create because I have another view to do it. It's like a dashboard.

The problem is that I want to disable the drag and drop and sortable feature for the columns. I see that the kanban_view.js file set the sortable and draggable options by default in the render_grouped function.

Does anyone know how to disable those features for columns? Or, is there any other way to display my records by columns in a kanban view?


4 Answers


To Disable Drag and Drop of Kanban View records we need to modify at web_kanban module.

Path : web_kanban/static/src/js File : kanban_view.js Modification : Search for the below code

var record_options = _.extend(this.record_options, {
        draggable: draggable,

Then add

draggable = false 

just above given block of code like,

draggable = false [Note : This is the newly added line]

var record_options = _.extend(this.record_options, 
        draggable: draggable,

To this day, there is no parameter to do this. So in your new module, create a JS extension on KanbanView, override render() and disable the sortable there. Here is the complete .js code for Odoo 10 which should be similar for v9:

odoo.define('my_module.board', function(require) {
  "use strict";

  var core = require('web.core');
  var KanbanView = require('web_kanban.KanbanView');

  var MyBoard = KanbanView.extend({
    render: function() {
      this._super.apply(this, arguments);
      this.$el.sortable('option', 'disabled', true);
      this.$('.o_kanban_header').css('cursor', 'auto');

  return MyBoard;

P.S.: I strongly advise against modifying Odoo base code unless you don't plan on updating.


In odoo 13 you can add the records_draggable attribute to your <kanban> tag:

<kanban records_draggable="false"></kanban>

For more check the kanban view section in the documentation


For old versions edit="false" is enough. For newer versions, set read only directly on the field <field name="resource_id" readonly="1">