I use Magento Enterprise ver., I have a custom extension to upload images, this images are use for the customer avatar, the issue is after I press save button this images are not uploaded in the media folder. In the firebug I have this errors:
recs f.2 - fix responsive
Loading LPS_LSH version 1.8.8 (Toolbox v2.3) with debug mode - Revision: 1.3
no subscriber data found in storage
recs 1.1
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - https://www.domain.com/media/pix_resized/customer/l/o/70x70logo653926.png"
The images is get like this:
<img class="small-image-preview v-middle" width="70" height="70" src="<?php echo Mage::helper('pixcore/image')->resizeImg($this->helper('pixseller')->getStorePhotoUrl(true), 70, 70, 'customer') ?>" title="View Full Size" alt="View Full Size">