
Let Σ be a finite alphabet and L ⊆ Σ be a language. Let Σ0 ⊆ Σ. For each string w = w1 · · · wn ∈ Σ , define res(w, Σ 0 ) = y1 · · · yn where yi = wi if wi ∈ Σ 0 , and yi = if wi ∈ Σ \ Σ 0 , for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n. (For example res(abracadabra, {a, b}) = abaaaba.) Then define res(L, Σ 0 ) = {res(w, Σ 0 ) : w ∈ L}

I have a very general direction and thought process for these problems, however, i am not completely sure i could construct a viable proof for the following problems. If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be much appreciated.

(a) Show that if L ⊆ Σ* ? is regular and Σ0 ⊆ Σ, res(L, Σ 0 ) must be regular.

i know for this one, a DFA cannot be made for this language. So i will have to figure out a different way. A subset of any regular language is not necessarily regular.

(b) Show that if L ⊆ Σ* is context-free and Σ0 ⊆ Σ, res(L, Σ 0 ) must be context-free.

I know that for this problem, one way to solve it would be to provide a context free grammar

(c) Show that if L ⊆ Σ* and res(L, Σ 0 ) is regular whenever Σ0 ⊂ Σ, L need not be regular.

For this question, we can say that even if L is not regular, that the empty language is a regular subset of this language. This would be true in all languages (whether it is regular or not)

If you want help with your homework, at least show some evidence that you've tried and ask about specific sub-problems. Just pasting in four problems and saying "I think I have an idea, but please tell me the answer" is unlikely to attract any positive attention!dovetalk
Do you really mean that L is a subset of the alphabet?John Coleman
@JohnColeman yes, that is what the assignment actually states.CS959595
@CS959595 It is almost certainly a typo since that would make little sense.John Coleman
@JohnColeman Thats what i initially thought, however, after asking my professor, i was told it was actually intended.CS959595

2 Answers


I'm working on this question as well, here were my thoughts

for a: if L is regular, it can be represented by a regular expression, so it should be possible to make a regular expression for L'.

for b: make a CFG where the terminals found in V and R of {V,E',R,S} just includes the terminals of E'

for c: assume that res(L, E') is regular, so as long as the alphabet is a true subset in that it can not equal the alphabet of L. L does not need to be regular.

These are just my initial thoughts, so take them with a grain of salt (maybe someone else can provide feedback)


While its evident that this is a homework assignment, a suggestion for part (a) is to look into closure properties for regular languages.

Take a look at L, the provided language in res(L, Σ’). Now take a look at the language (lets call it L') over the alphabet Σ’.

Now lets look at your example:

res(abracadabra, {a, b}) = abaaaba

In this scenario, L ∈ { abracadabra } and L' ∈ { abaaaba }

Between these two languages, L and L', what standard set operation can we use to create a set of only the elements each language has in common?

If you took a look at closure properties for regular languages, I'm sure you'll see the perfect fit!