Some developers in my company work on a Visual Studio 2013 solution.
The solution includes the following ASP.NET web projects :
- Project : Espace
- StartUp Project
- Start Page : TestFiles\Authentication.aspx
- Properties :
- Development Server :
- Always Start When Debugging : True
- Anonymous Authentication : Enabled
- Managed Pipeline Mode : Integrated
- SSL Enabled : True
- SSL URL : https://localhost:44301/
- URL : http://localhost:4800/
- Windows Authentication : Disabled
- Web :
- Servers :
- Apply server settings to all users (store in project file)
- IIS Express
- Project Url : http://localhost:4800/
- Servers :
- Development Server :
- Project : Espace.MockWS
- Properties :
- Development Server :
- Always Start When Debugging : True
- Anonymous Authentication : Disabled
- Managed Pipeline Mode : Integrated
- SSL Enabled : False
- URL : http://localhost:6504/
- Windows Authentication : Disabled
- Web :
- Servers :
- Apply server settings to all users (store in project file)
- IIS Express
- Project Url : http://localhost:6504/
- Servers :
- Development Server :
- Properties :
- Project : Espace.Switcher
- Properties :
- Development Server :
- Always Start When Debugging : True
- Anonymous Authentication : Disabled
- Managed Pipeline Mode : Integrated
- SSL Enabled : False
- URL : http://localhost:57585/
- Windows Authentication : Disabled
- Web
- Servers
- Apply server settings to all users (store in project file)
- IIS Express
- Project Url : http://localhost:57585/
- Servers
- Development Server :
- Properties :
- Project : Espace.WebControls
- Properties
- Development Server
- Always Start When Debugging : True
- Anonymous Authentication : Disabled
- Managed Pipeline Mode : Integrated
- SSL Enabled : False
- URL : http://localhost:57579/
- Windows Authentication : Disabled
- Web
- Servers
- Apply server settings to all users (store in project file)
- IIS Express
- Project Url : http://localhost:57579/
- Servers
- Development Server
- Properties
The following page is loaded in Internet Explorer after I start debugging on my computer (OS : Windows 7) : http://localhost:4800/TestFiles/Authentication.aspx.
But the page is not loaded after I start debugging on another computer (OS : Windows 8).
No error message is displayed but Internet Explorer keeps on waiting.
I have inserted a breakpoint in the Page_Load method but it is not reached.
Here are the sites started in IIS Express on my computer after I start debugging :
Site Name URL PID
Espace.MockWS http://localhost:6504/ 3416
Espace.WebControls http://localhost:57579/ 848
Espace.Switcher http://localhost:57585/ 6676
Espace http://localhost:4800/ 3752
Espace https://localhost:44301/ 3752
Here is the only site started in IIS Express on the other computer after I start debugging :
Site Name URL PID
Espace https://localhost:44301/ 11480
I guess the page is not loaded on the other computer because the four HTTP sites are not started.
Does anyone know why ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated