
Django 1.7

DRF 3.3.2

Python 2.7

I want to return a 404 Response with {'detail': 'Not found'.} whenever I enter an invalid url.

However I get this only when I enter a valid url with invalid lookup parameters.

For example, if I make a GET request on:

i will get the requested object.

If I do the same thing with:

I will get a 404 with {'detail': 'Not found'.} message in the body.

If i try the same thing with this url:

I will get a 404 with this error:

enter image description here

which will break my app.

So the question is, how do I set up my urls so that every invalid url is handled with the {'detail': 'Not found'.} message (which won't break my app).


The given answer will set a custom 404 view for your entire project (all aps).

If you want to set a custom 404 for a particular app inside a project, (e.g. you want your API to return json, but you want your app to return some custom template), then you can set a urlpattern to catch everything:


urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^.*/$', views.error_page, name='error_page')

Make sure that the url is the last pattern (otherwise every url will call your custom error_page view).


1 Answers


You can write a custom 404 view and assign it to django's handler404. This could look like this (not tested):


from django.conf.urls import handler404
from myapp import views

handler404 = views.error_page


from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from rest_framework import status

def error_page(request):
    return Response({'detail': 'Not found'}, status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)