
I am currently running my Protractor tests on SauceLabs and BrowserStack and have FileDetector configured so that I can run tests that involve uploading files.

I am getting an error that says 'Uploading directories is not supported" when I try to use sendKeys() to write a message in a textarea. I do not get this error when FileDetector is not included in the page. To clarify, I am not doing any uploading at all when this error occurs - just trying to add text to a textarea.

Also, sendKeys does work in certain instances but not in others.

Thanks for your help!

Hi, did you used, element(by.model('login.user_name')).sendKeys('text'); ? and can you be more clearer about the problem?Manuli

2 Answers


The file detector will fail if used with a server that only supports standard WebDriver commands (such as the ChromeDriver). That might be reason why your sendKeys does work in certain instances.

You may refer following link:-



Turns out that it was a bug! Issue was fixed in: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/1814