entity name = "sp" 
query = "Select * from txn_ds_platter" 
deltaImportQuery = "SELECT * FROM txn_ds_platter WHERE member_id = ${dataimporter.request.i_member_id}"

url : http://localhost:8983/solr/search/select?q=%3A&fq=i_member_id%3A+15603&wt=json&indent=true

Error : undefined field i_member_id.

Please help me out.

This error means the specified field isn't defined in schema.xml. If it is defined in schema.xml, then you need to restart your Solr server.TMBT
your first snippet is a piece of db-data-config.xml, which is used for DIH indexing off a db etc. But your url is a search request, not a request for the DIH to index.Persimmonium
I cannot tell what is code, what is error text and what is configuration. Please put a bit more effort in the question. The way it is, it is not solvable.cheffe

1 Answers


It looks like you are trying to trigger a Data Request Handler with additional parameters.

The problem is that you seem to be using wrong end-point (Request Handler) for that. You are using select end point, where you should be using dataimport or whatever your solrconfig.xml defines. Here is one from DIH/DB example:

<requestHandler name="/dataimport" class="solr.DataImportHandler">
  <lst name="defaults">
    <str name="config">db-data-config.xml</str>

So, if your core is called search you probably want to call:
