data Number = Int | Float deriving(Eq,Ord)
What does Int and Float mean here? A constructor or a haskell type?
And how is Bool defined in haskell? LYAH says
We can think Bool implemented like this:
data Bool = False | True deriving (Ord)
data Number = Int | Float deriving(Eq,Ord)
In the above Int
and Float
are just constructors. They have nothing to do with the Int
or Float
types that can take on values such as 1
, or 42
Prelude> data Number = Int | Float deriving (Show)
Prelude> Int
Prelude> :type Int
Int :: Number
Prelude> Float
Prelude> :type Float
Float :: Number
If you wanted, you could add fields to these constructors so they can carry Int and Float types inside:
Prelude> data Number' = Int' Int | Float' Float deriving (Show)
Prelude> :type Int'
Int' :: Int -> Number'
Prelude> :type Int' 494
Int' 494 :: Number'
Prelude> Int' 42
Int' 42
For the Bool
part: you can just ask GHCi:
λ> :i Bool
data Bool = False | True
-- Defined in `ghc-prim-'
so yes - it's indeed defined like this ;)
(sorry about the comment-like answer - it might be borderline - just let me know and I move/delete)
BTW: you can indeed find the Source on Hackage:
module GHC.Types
data {-# CTYPE "HsBool" #-} Bool = False | True