Apologies if this has been answered. I've gone through numerous examples today but I can't find any that match what I am trying to do.
I have a data set which I need to calculate a 3 point moving average on. I've generated some dummy data below:
data.frame(Week = rep(seq(1:5), 3),
Section = c(rep("a", 5), rep("b", 5), rep("c", 5)),
Qty = runif(15, min = 100, max = 500),
To = runif(15, min = 40, max = 80))
I want to calculate the MA for each group based on the 'Section' column for both the 'Qty' and the 'To' columns. Ideally the output would be a data table. The moving average would start at Week 3 so would be the average of wks 1:3
I am trying to master the data.table package so a solution using that would be great but otherwise any will be much appreciated.
Just for reference my actual data set will have approx. 70 sections with c.1M rows in total. I've found the data.table to be extremely fast at crunching these kind of volumes so far.