I had tried to use a Stackdriver container in a pod to collect stats about Nginx/Uwsgi in the same pod.
I had some findings that may be not so helpful. Just for your reference.
To create the stackdriver image, you may reference the docker file created by Keto.
FROM centos:centos7
# add stackdriver repository
RUN curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/stackdriver.repo https://repo.stackdriver.com/stackdriver-el7.repo
# install stackdriver
RUN yum -y install initscripts stackdriver-agent && yum clean all
RUN mkdir -p /var/lock/subsys; exit 0
ADD run.sh /run.sh
RUN chmod 755 /run.sh
CMD ["/run.sh"]
The run.sh is look like below,
#!/usr/bin/env bash
/opt/stackdriver/stack-config --write-gcm --no-start
/etc/init.d/stackdriver-agent start
while true; do
sleep 60
agent_pid=$(cat /var/run/stackdriver-agent.pid 2>/dev/null)
ps -p $agent_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Stackdriver agent pid not found!"
In the GKE/K8S deployment yaml file,
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
- name: stackdriver-agent
image: gcr.io/<project_id>/stackdriver-agent:<your_version>
command: ['/run.sh']
In my test, I found
- It will report stats based on [node_name] instead of [container_name].
- It will collect many system stats that are meaningful for a node, but since it is in a pod, it's quite pointless.
Well, I hope to find some way to collect both statistics of the pods and nodes that I need, but I didn't find a easy way to do that. What I did is do that by Google Python API library, but that takes too much time.