I have 2 always blocks, and a finish_bcd
wire signal in order to detect only when a conversion is done or not.
After the conversion, I'd like to put it at 0 but it's in another always block...
wire finish_bcd;
bin2bcd BinTBcd (
.finish(finish_bcd) //################ line 53
always @(posedge finish or posedge finish_bcd) begin
if (finish_bcd == 1) begin
5'b00000: enable <= 5'b00001; //send the thousands
5'b00001: enable <= 5'b00010; //send the hundreds
5'b00010: enable <= 5'b00100; //send the tens
5'b00100: enable <= 5'b01000; //send the ones
5'b01000: enable <= 5'b10000; //send a ";"
5'b10000: enable <= 5'b00000; // Everything is sent, I would like to do 'finish_bcd = 0;' here, at the end of the process in this always block.
default: enable <= 5'b00000;
The bin2bcd module is :
module bin2bcd (
input [10:0] binary,
output reg [3:0] thousands,
output reg [3:0] hundreds,
output reg [3:0] tens,
output reg [3:0] ones,
output reg finish);
integer i;
always @(binary) begin
// set 100's, 10's, and 1's to zero
thousands = 4'b0;
hundreds = 4'b0;
tens = 4'b0;
ones = 4'b0;
for (i=10; i>=0; i=i-1) begin
// add 3 to columns >= 5
if (thousands >= 5)
thousands = thousands + 3;
if (hundreds >= 5)
hundreds = hundreds + 3;
if (tens >= 5)
tens = tens + 3;
if (ones >= 5)
ones = ones + 3;
// shift left one
thousands = thousands << 1;
thousands[0] = hundreds[3];
hundreds = hundreds << 1;
hundreds[0] = tens[3];
tens = tens << 1;
tens[0] = ones[3];
ones = ones << 1;
ones[0] = binary[i];
finish <= 1; //############ line to detect when the conversion is done
Another question: Why I cannot just change "reg finish_bcd;" in the top module ?
I got this error line 53 Reference to scalar reg 'finish_bcd' is not a legal net lvalue
I will synthesize this code for a Xilinx FPGA.
I have a binary word, I want to send it by serial communication then I convert this binary (11bits) to BCD in order to send ASCII numbers.
And I want to send everytime when "binary" changes.
is used for detecting when the conversion is done in order to start sending data.
The always @(posedge finish or posedge finish_bcd) begin
block is used to change the state (in order to send the thousands then hundreds etc...
Then, binary
changes, the conversion is done, finish_bcd = 1
, it starts to send the data (thousands etc...) the end of each send is detected with finish
Everything is working in simulation but since finish_bcd
doesn't go to 0, when it sent all numbers, it stops. I need to reset finish_bcd
at the end in order to detect a new binary
change and start to send new values.
Thank you.
always @(binary)
withalways @*
as they will synthesis to the same thing. This is a combinatorial block, finish will always be 1. NB: you never set it to any other value so it will not work in simulation. – Morganalways @(posedge finish or posedge finish_bcd)
is used for a kind of a state machine. I only want to make the conversion whenbinary
change, not everytime. Butbinary
can change before the data is full sent. – Alexisalways
block doesn't take time to get proceed ? Then I don't need to detect the end ? – Alexisfinish_bcd
and the value ofenable
to control it in the process inbin2bcd
. – Krouitchalways @*
is combinatorial, this need to simulate in zero time. For a state machine you need to use a clock and imply flip-flops for state.always @(posedge clk)
yourposedge finish or posedge finish_bcd
is not really implying a valid hardware structure. Using a data signal (finish
) as a clock will lead to all sorts of timing issues at synthesis. – Morgan