I'm developing an Android App based on Outlook-SDK-Android. The App talks with Outlook Calendar REST API to retrieve, book and delete events (see code examples here and here). Now I need to read someone else's calendar and I've been provided an Office365 account with delegate access (author permission level) towards other users.
I've registered my app using the provided account on the new portal. In my App I use the scope "https://outlook.office.com/Calendars.ReadWrite". (The scope is used in com.microsoft.aad.adal.AuthenticationContext.acquireToken() to initialize an Office REST Client for Android OutlookClient, a shared client stack provided by orc-for-android)
When I try to read another user's calendar on which I have delegate access I just receive back a 403 response:
"error": {
"code": "ErrorAccessDenied",
"message": "Access is denied. Check credentials and try again."
Any help?
Is it a limitation of the API? If so why is the following method invocation chain provided then?
.getById("[email protected]")
It seems like there are works in progress that will allow this scenario, as reported here: Office 365 REST API - Access meeting rooms calendars
So if progress in that direction has been made can I achieve my goal without using an "admin service app"? (see Office 365 API or Azure AD Graph API - Get Someone Elses Calendar)
Can I use basic authentication as suggested here?