I'm working on a website (PHP + MySQL) that I've got to upgrade. Passwords are stored in the database in MD5, and I'd like it to be something more secure, like SHA-256.
I've already red this question about "converting" password hashes, but I got an other idea, and I'd like to know if it brings a security problem or not.
Currently, the passwords are checked in php by hashing (in MD5) the given password and compare it with the hash stored in database, ie: if(md5($password) == $hash)
Let's assume that I hash all the MD5 hashes in SHA-256. I'd have the sha-256 hash of a md5 hash.
Side note: I know it's not more secure to rehash a hash, that's not the point of my question
When a user wants to connect, I'd just have to change the md5($pass)
in hash('sha256', md5($password), false)
to make it match the value stored in database (assuming $password is the right one)
It seemed a good idea to me as I don't need to keep track of the md5 hash after conversion, ad this doesn't need me to create any new column in my table. I know that this is not going to give me the SHA-256 hash of the original password stored with md5 hash, but this is not my goal. It's just to change the encryption method. Moreover, brute-forcing it seems inefficient, as it is very unlikely that dictionary would have hashes of words...
Does this way of doing it is flawed?