I tried to rewrite the following SML code in typed racket, but got type mismatch error, I'm confused about it.
datatype 'a pizza = Bottom
| Topping of ('a * ('a pizza))
datatype fish = Anchovy
| Lox
| Tuna
fun eq_fish (Anchovy,Anchovy)
= true
| eq_fish (Lox,Lox)
= true
| eq_fish (Tuna,Tuna)
= true
| eq_fish (a_fish,another_fish)
= false
fun rem_fish (x,Bottom)
= Bottom
| rem_fish (x,Topping(t,p))
= if eq_fish(t,x)
then rem_fish(x,p)
else Topping(t,(rem_fish(x,p)))
typed racket code here:
(define-type (pizza a)
(U Bottom
(Topping a)))
(struct Bottom ())
(struct (a) Topping ([v : a] [w : (pizza a)]))
(define-type fish
(U Anchovy
(struct Anchovy ())
(struct Lox ())
(struct Tuna ())
(: eq-fish (-> fish fish Boolean))
(define (eq-fish f1 f2)
(match f1
(Anchovy? f2)]
(Lox? f2)]
(Tuna? f2)]
[_ false]))
(: rem-fish (∀ (a) (fish (pizza a) -> (pizza a))))
(define (rem-fish x pizza)
(match pizza
[(Bottom) (Bottom)]
[(Topping t p)
(if (eq-fish t x)
(rem-fish x p)
(Topping t (rem-fish x p)))]))
Type Checker: type mismatch ; expected: fish ; given: a ; in: t