
According to the books that i have read, it says that S.H.A(Secure Hash Algorithm) is collision resistant.But if the input space is a 1024 bit number and the output space is a 512 bit message digest then shouldn't it be colliding for (2^1024)/(2^512) times? As the range is lesser than the domain being mapped there should have been collisions. please explain where i am going wrong.

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is purely about cryptography without involving programming.Maarten Bodewes
Yes, it will collide by definition. However, it should be impossible to calculate or guess which value collide. You cannot just iterate over possible values until you find a collision of course, you'd have run out of time (any time - pick your period) before you'd find a collision.Maarten Bodewes
(2^1024)/(2^512) = 2^512 which is close to 10^155 (which is bigger than a googol but less than a googolplex).zaph
What does "the input space is a 1024 bit number" mean? The only thing that counts is the number of unique inputs and in turn the number of unique outputs. Perhaps see Hash collision probability calculator.zaph

2 Answers


The chance for a collision does not depend on the input size. The chance to a 512-bit hash collision is 1.4×10^77, see Probability table


Maybe your book has also mentioned the definition of collision resistance? It does not mean that no collisions are created (which is clearly not the case), but that given a hash you are not able to create a message easily that produces this hash.

a hash function H is collision resistant if it is hard to find two inputs that hash to the same output; that is, two inputs a and b such that H(a) = H(b), and a ≠ b

From Wikipedia