
I just opened a free Azure trial account and went through the various forms to create a test web app. I would like to edit the source files locally with Visual Studio 2015 however. Is it possible to download the files generated during sign-up, and if so, how? Thanks for any help!


4 Answers


You can download your project file using KUDU site: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/benjaminperkins/2014/03/24/using-kudu-with-windows-azure-web-sites/

Select Debug console -> CMD from there you can go inside site -> wwwroot and select download button to the left of any folder:

enter image description here

It will zip up all the files under that folder and start downloading.


Web apps are accessible via ftp, so you can download/upload individual files.

ftp access

However: The idea is that you should be editing locally, then pushing your changes to your web app deployment, not pulling from. To facilitate this, not only do you have ftp, but you also have git/github,bitbucket, dropbox, etc. just look under your Publishing settings, for Deployment Source:

deployment options


Ok I decided to just delete the app I created while signing up and re-create it from within Visual Studio; worked fine.


From azure console or kudo console , you can push using git to your azure devops repository or any repository

git init 
git remote add <url>
git add . 
git push origin master