when I write to my log file I sometimes get access to log path is denied C:/app/log.log
Here is my code:
Private filePath As String
Private fileStream As FileStream
Private streamWriter As StreamWriter
Public Sub OpenFile()
Dim strPath As String
strPath = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath + "\log.log"
If System.IO.File.Exists(strPath) Then
fileStream = New FileStream(strPath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)
fileStream = New FileStream(strPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
End If
streamWriter = New StreamWriter(fileStream)
End Sub
Public Sub WriteLog(ByVal strComments As String)
streamWriter.WriteLine(Date.Now.ToString & " " & strComments)
End Sub
Public Sub CloseFile()
End Sub
Is there anyway to make this use admin permissions or fix this issue? It only happens sometimes, and I'm not sure why it happens, but if I delete the log.log file the application can write to log again. Very weird.