so i have really problems with the ERRORLEVEL of batch. Its just not working for me. I have a big own ms build batch script and i always get 0 back from ERRORLEVEL, whatever I do (eg. msbuild, tf get, tf checkout, copy, xcopy,...)
so i did a small example to post it here:
@echo off
set Update=1
IF %Update% == 1 (
set /p "=- Copy stuff..." <NUL
xcopy /R /Y C:\test\2.lib C:\test1
if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (echo FAILED!) ELSE (echo SUCCEED!)
echo -^> done
so its always returning succeed and printing 0 when i do: echo %ERRORLEVEL%
can you please help me with that? I really would like to use that errorlevel