I have given to maintain a project in delphi for which I don't have a clue :). It was converted to XE8 from D5. So it has a lot of custom things ( I am replacing some custom Object lists with Dictionaries since Dictionaries didn't exist in D5). The main application is extending TForm and in the FormCreate method contains this line
Application.OnException := FormException;
HandleException := Application.HandleException;
The FormException
method takes the exception and also prints a detailed window with some info and the call stack.
I want to integrate EurekaLog or madExcept in my project to be able to find more info on unhandled exceptions. But although installed and enabled I don't get the the window with the info I want. It runs the FromException method, although I read that when linking with madExcept this gets ignored. Creating a new project simply throwing an exception from a button click with madExcept or EurekaLog activated works properly. I don't know where to look for the exception handling of delphi, and whether I need to have more settings for 3rd party tools. Any ideas?