I have added 2 pages in the content tree - index & Home Page. It was working fine until yesterday. Unable to preview 'index' in the Content editor (CE) now. The error message is -
The requested document was not found
However, when I do Tools > Browse > Preview, from Sitecore Rocks, it opens fine. Also, I am able to preview 'Home Page' in CE without issue.
Following Mike's Solution Here, I tried to add the user 'Everyone' and removing 'extranet/Anonymous'. But the changes never Save.
Why does it happen to this page alone. No changes made to web.config and I am using only master DB.
Here is what I have observed.
When 'index' is placed outside the 'en' folder, it can be previewed. Someone suggested that Sitecore is confused by the folder name with its languages. But renaming it to Test-en, also did not work.
I also tried this. Created 'index' outside 'en' folder. Then created a copy of the same inside the 'en' with the name 'index1'. I can preview index1 now, but if 'index' is deleted, it's the same issue again.
– jammykamextranet/anonymous
, but the changes never applied. – Qwerty