I'm having trouble implementing Automapper conversion in a situation where the source is a class which should be mapped to one of two derived classes based on a value on the source.
Here's a simplification of my classes:
public class FooContainerDTO
public FooDTO Foo { get; set; }
public class FooDTO
public string Type { get; set; }
//some properties..
public class FooContainer
public FooBase Foo { get; set; }
public abastract class FooBase
//some properties..
public class FooDerived1 : FooBase
//some properties
public class FooDerived2 : FooBase
//some properties
I'm using non-static Automapper so I create a MapperConfiguration from several Profiles at boot and inject the IMapper instance into my DI-container. I want Automapper to map FooDTO to FooDerived1 when its Type property is "der1" and to FooDerived2 when it is "der2".
I've seen examples on this using the static api, something like this:
Mapper.CreateMap<FooContainerDTO, FooContainer>();
//ForMember configurations etc.
Mapper.CreateMap<FooDTO, FooDerived1>();
//ForMember configurations etc.
Mapper.CreateMap<FooDTO, FooDerived2>();
//ForMember configurations etc.
Mapper.CreateMap<FooDTO, FooBase>()
.ConvertUsing(dto => dto.Type == "der1"
? (FooBase) Mapper.Map<FooDerived1>(dto)
: Mapper.Map<FooDerived2>(dto));
This would map the Foo property of FooContainer to the correct derived type of FooBase.
But how can I do this without the static API? The IMapper instance is not yet created at the point of configuring the profile. Is there a way to leverage the overload of ConvertUsing() which takes a Func< ResolutionContext,object >? Can the resolution context give me whatever IMapper is currently being used? I've been looking, but can't find anything usable.
IMapper _defaultEngine = MyGlobalConfig.Engine
. I then create two configurations, one using the static global, and another which I place in my own static location and use as a "fallback" to simpler mappings. – Thomas BobyResolutionContext.Engine.Map
inside yourConvert
? – Thomas BobyResolutionContext.Engine.Map
takes a ResolutionContext as parameter. How can i create a resolutioncontext for different destinationtype? Am I missing something? – Julian Hanssen