When updating the standard values of a data template and saving the change, the updated value isn't being reflected in the instance(s) of the data template, until the cache is cleared.
This is happening across all data templates, and isn't due to the standard value being overwritten within the instance(s).
For example, in a base page template that is inherited by the content page template, there is a field that contains an email address.
After creating a new content page instance within the content tree, the email field is correctly set to the standard value (and has [standard value] next to the field name label).
After going back to the base page template, updating the email address and saving the item, the value in the content page instance is not updated, however it still has the [standard value] label next to the field.
The value of the field is not updated to reflect the base template until the cache is cleared (currently using the http://localhost/sitecore/admin/cache.aspx) page and using the 'Clear all' button.
Why is the standard value being cached within the content editor, and how can we prevent that from happening?
When attempting to reset the content item's field value to the standard value (using the ribbon command Versions -> Reset), the value of the field in the standard value box is also showing the cached standard value, and not the value that has been updated/saved in the data templates standard values.