My app uses OneDrive API feature to let unauthorized users get thumbnails for shared OneDrive files using old API request:
This feature is broken now (any such links return XMLHttpRequest connection error 0x2eff). And my Windows Store app can not longer provide this feature.
Anyone can try to check it, link to shared OneDrive file:
links to a preview image for shared OneDrive file (according to old OneDrive API "Displaying a preview of a OneDrive item" - https://!27202%26authkey%3D!AJTeSCuaHMc45eY%26v%3D3%26ithint%3Dphoto%252cjpg generates error: SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network error 0x2eff
Сurrent OneDrive API thumbnail feature:
GET /drive/items/{item-id}/thumbnails/{thumb-id}/{size}
is just for authorized users and can not provide access to thumbnails for shared OneDrive files to unauthorized users
How can a Windows Store app let unauthorized users get thumbnails for shared OneDrive files (videos etc.) using the current OneDrive API? Any ideas?