I am working with WPF and looking for a best approach for creating re-usable expanders that are customized. Specifically the Expander header would remain the same, the content would vary.
The Expander header would have 6 buttons all wired to the same methods, which will be enforced via an interface.
Assume this is Expander 1
And this is another expander
The actual content will be text, buttons, whatever. It just has text for demo purposes.
The expander is meant to be used within a User Control, in which I have 44 of them, and don't want to repeat the code all over the place.
At the moment I am using the UserControls like the following in the Window XAML
And the actual usage:
<customcontrols:FlexExtend ..... />
And inside each User Control I am using expander like this
<Expander Style="{StaticResource ModToolPanelStyle}" Background="#403F3B" Name="toolExpand" Header="{x:Static properties:Resources.AdductionAbduction_Label}" Collapsed="toolExpand_Collapsed" Expanded="toolExpand_Expanded">
....... all the inside body stuff
Right now I'm looking at having to replicate the code 44 times, one for each expander in each of the 44 user controls that contain the an expander. Is there a way in WPF to make this a custom control that would have the buttons and everything? I'm think no since it wouldn't be able to be bound there for the on click?
As suggested I created a DataTemplate in a seperate XAML.
<DataTemplate x:Key="DesignExpanderHeaderTemplate">
<TextBlock Name="ModName"
<Button Name="MoveUpButton"
However now I am having issues binding the button from the user control:
var button = toolExpand.HeaderTemplate.FindName("MoveUpButton", toolExpand) as Button;
button.Click += delegate (object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
MessageBox.Show("The button has been pressed");
The button is always null, so it is not able to find it.
This is how the XAML looks
<Expander Style="{StaticResource ModToolPanelStyle}"
HeaderTemplate="{StaticResource DesignExpanderHeaderTemplate}"