I am building a dashboard using InfluxDB. I have a source which generates approx. 2000 points per minute. Each point has 5 tags, 6 fields. There is only one measurement.
Everything works fine for about 24hrs but as the data size grows, I am not able to run any queries on influx. Like for example, right now I have approx 48hrs of data and even a basic select brings down the influx db,
select count(field1) from measurementname
It times out with the error:
ERR: Get http://localhost:8086/query?db=dbname&q=select+count%28field1%29+from+measuementname: EOF
- InfluxDB version: 0.10.1 default configuration
- The OS Version:Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
- Configuration: 30GB RAM, 4 VCPUs, 150GB HDD
Some Background:
I have a dashboard and a web app querying the influxdb. The webapp lets a user query the DB based on tag1 or tag2.
- tag1 - unique for each record. Used in a where clause in the web app to get the record based on this field.
- tag2 - unique for each record. Used in a where clause in the web app to get the record based on this field.
- tag3 - used in group by. Think of it as departmentid tying a bunch of employees.
- tag4 - used in group by. Think of it as departmentid tying a bunch of employees.
- tag5 - used in group by. Values 0 or 1 or 2.