
I have a correctly formed URL for the Blob PUT operation, using Shared Access Signature:


Using Fiddler's Composer, I am able to successfully upload data (with "x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob" header).

However, when I change the URL to "https" -- the PUT fails with Status Code 502, and the following message:

[Fiddler] The connection to 'xyz.blob.core.windows.net' failed.
System.Security.SecurityException Failed to negotiate HTTPS connection with server.fiddler.network.https> HTTPS handshake to xyz.blob.core.windows.net (for #21) failed. System.IO.IOException The handshake failed due to an unexpected packet format.

It surely seems like a problem on Azure's end. How could I get this resolved?

P.S. In Chrome, this problem manifests as "net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR". In Edge, I get "XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x80070005, Access is denied."

Please see if this solves the problem when you use Fiddler: telerik.com/forums/io-exception-unexpected-packet-format#Gaurav Mantri
after changing Protocols to "<client>;ssl2;ssl3;tls1.0;tls1.1;tls1.2" the error became: System.Security.SecurityException Failed to negotiate HTTPS connection with server.fiddler.network.https&gt; HTTPS handshake to xyz.blob.core.windows.net (for #54) failed. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithmuser4698855
...and with Protocols == "tls1.0;tls1.1;tls1.2", the error is the same as in original question: "The handshake failed due to an unexpected packet format"user4698855

2 Answers


Doh! The explicit port in the URL (":80" for HTTP) was the problem.


One more point. Just make sure that when you are creating blob service with SAS, provide no protocol info in the host parameter. e.g.

var service = azureBlob.createBlobServiceWithSas("xxxxx.blob.core.windows.net", sasKey);