I have an Iterable object called values (Iterable values), and I want to add them to a list of distinct elements.
for (Text val : values) {
if (!mylist.contains(val)) {
It onlu adds one element to this list. If I remove that condition to check for distinctness, I see that all the elements are repeated.
I have tried many things, I thought maybe I should use a .get() method like this
for (Text val : values) {
if (!mylist.contains(val.get())) {
but then Java gives this error, that symbol val not found:
>editorPairs.java:67: cannot find symbol
>symbol : method get()
>location: class org.apache.hadoop.io.Text
> mylist.add(val.get());
> ^
>1 error
The full code is below:
public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
List<Text> mylist = new ArrayList<Text>();
for (Text val : values) {
if (!mylist.contains(val)) {
if(mylist.size() > 1) {
int size = mylist.size();
for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
Text t1 = mylist.get(i);
context.write(t1, t1);
? Also,context.write(t1, t1);
is supposed to do what? – Elliott Frisch