I am publishing the .net code to Azure web app using the build service in Visual Studio Team Services (was Visual Studio Online). I want to add License file to the wwwroot folder in Azure web app after the deployment. Please let me know how can i do this automatically after the deployment in Team Services?
1 Answers
You can use curl to upload the file to your Azure WebSite via following steps:
- Open Azure Portal and navigate to your Web App.
- Open the dashboard for your web app and click "Download the publish profile". (There are two publish information included in the profile: MSDeploy and FTP, use FTP credential in following steps).
- Add a "cURL Upload Files" steps in your build definition.
- Configure the cURL task with the FTP credentials in the publish profile and the file you want to upload. (When copy the publishURL to cURL task, add an additional "/" at the end of the URL)
- Save the definition and queue a new build.
The file will be uploaded to your Azure Web App wwwroot folder.