My issue is that the maven-shade-plugin seems to be running on my project twice.
My parent-pom file is here: (It is way too long to post here)
The pom for the project (well, module in this case) giving me trouble is here:
I am attempting to shade in the MySQL jdbc driver.
Here is the block from the pom.xml that I wish to do that with.
Now, the issue occurs (or seems to occur) when I try to build the project. I build it using nothing different than what is seen in both pom.xml's.
For some reason, the following lines are displayed twice, a little bit after eachother;
[INFO] --- maven-shade-plugin:2.4.3:shade (default) @ mydynamicsql-standalone ---
[INFO] Excluding com.fakeneth.mydynamicsql:mydynamicsql-core:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT from the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including mysql:mysql-connector-java:jar:5.1.38 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Attaching shaded artifact.
The following line is also displayed twice, in succession;
[INFO] Installing C:\Users\cneth_000\Documents\EclipseWorkspace\mydynamicsql-parent\mydynamicsql-standalone\target\mydynamicsql-standalone-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar to C:\Users\cneth_000\.m2\repository\com\fakeneth\mydynamicsql\mydynamicsql-standalone\0.0.1-SNAPSHOT\mydynamicsql-standalone-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar
Here is a full log of what is printed when this project is built:
Is this the expected behavior? Thanks
? – C_Neth