My Xpages app has a cacheBean for application wide settings. I have a managed Bean for a PC document, which has field status of type integer.
In the cacheBean I have a method getPCStatus(Integer status) that when given the number will return the string text of the status.
On my Xpage I have a text field which I want to bind to the result of
so it will return "In Inventory" for a 1 and something else for a 2 etc.
However, the code is throwing an error.
Here is the code:
The error is
Error in EL syntax, property 'value': CacheBean.getPCStatus(PCModelBean.status)
I know I read something about this long ago but cannot remember how to handle this, but cannot find it.
I was wondering if the method getPCStatus should be in the PCBean or in the cacheBean?