
Here is the definition of dp unit : (if it is correct...)

Density-independent Pixels - an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen. These units are relative to a 160 dpi screen, so one dp is one pixel on a 160 dpi screen.

So, is a width of 160dp equals to 100% of the screen width for any kind of screen ?

According to some tests I performed, it seems that it is not the case.

Am I wrong ? Is there something I don't understand ?

Thanks !


3 Answers


No. 160 dp is 1 inch (or extremely close). What they're saying is if you had a 160 dpi (dot per inch) device, then 1 pixel=1dp. 160 dpi was common in the early days of Android.


Hi dpi means density of pixels per inch so 160 dpi means 160 pixels in one inch area.

Say length of device = 4 inch and breath of device = 3 inch So the Area = 4*3 = 12 squreInches We have pixel per square inch = 160 pixels so total no of pixels in screen = 12 * 160

The pixels in breath = 12 * 160 /4 = 480 Pixels The pixels in length = 12 * 160 /3 = 640 pixels

160dp in mdpi devices means 160 pixels

so if you draw the line of 160dp, it will cover 1/3rd of screen.

because 160/480 = 1/3

So please check and give your feed back.

For more information you can go through the following link.

What is the difference between "px", "dp", "dip" and "sp" on Android?



No. 1dp is 1px of a 160ppi screen. This means 160dp will be 1 inch exactly. No. Of dp in a screen can be found as:

No. Of dp = (size(in px)/pixel density)*160

no. Of pixels in 1 dp can be found as:

no. Of pixels in a dp =pixel density/160.

On 160ppi screen: 1px=160/160=1dp.

On 240ppi screen: 1px=240/160=1.5dp.

On 320ppi screen: 1px=320/160=2dp.