The Background
Each month I run a crosstab query which is then "spruced up" with an Access Report.
TRANSFORM Sum(myTable.Field1) AS SumOfField1
SELECT myTable.Date, Sum(myTable.Field1) AS [Daily Totals]
FROM myTable
GROUP BY myTable.Date
PIVOT myTable.Field2;
where Field1 is a $ Amount, and Field2 (for this example) is either going to be "Option1", "Option2", or "Option3".
Date Option1 Option2 Option3
----- -------- -------- --------
Day1 $5.00 -$2.37
Day2 $3.15
Day3 $2.22
My Issue
Because 99 times out of 100 I'm going to have data in each "option" in a given month I created a report that cleans up the crosstab results in a "pretty" format. This month however, my raw data didn't have any "Option3" values. As a result the crosstab column for Option3 doesn't appear on my query results. Then, since the report pulls directly from the crosstab & looks for each option column by name, this causes my report break giving the error:
The Microsoft Access database engine does not recognize '[Option3]' as a valid field name or expression.
I've tried a few things with respect to troubleshooting:
- =Nz(Sum(myTable.Field1),0) in the SQL... however this just yields 0's where NULL for the existing values of field2 - thus "Option3" does not appear as a column of all 0's.
- =Nz([Option3],0) in the report... still get the error above (field not recognized)
- =IIf(IsError(Option3),0,(Option3)) in the report... get the error:
The expression you entered contains invalid syntax
- =IIf(IsEmpty(Option3),0,(Option3)) in report... same as above
- =IIf(IsMissing(Option3),0,(Option3)) in report... same as above
At this point, I'm at a loss regarding how to get my existing report to run (just displaying a column of 0's for "Option3").