I'm parsing json data using SwiftyJson from a weather API. And i have a list of optional data that i added it to a single guard statement to make the code look simpler and more effective. But unfortunately in the list of optionals i sometimes have nil values from the parsed API data, so the statement goes to else and returns nothing. Do i have to put guard else statements to every optional or there is a way to continue and return the found non nil values in the else statement?
Here is my code:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
let jsonContent = JSON(data: data!)
guard let cTemp = jsonContent["currently"]["temperature"].double,
let cFeelsLike = jsonContent["currently"]["apparentTemperature"].double,
let cHumidity = jsonContent["currently"]["humidity"].double,
let cDewPoint = jsonContent["currently"]["dewPoint"].double,
let cPressure = jsonContent["currently"]["pressure"].double,
let cVisibility = jsonContent["currently"]["visibility"].double,
let cWindSpeed = jsonContent["currently"]["windSpeed"].double,
let cWindDirection = jsonContent["currently"]["windBearing"].double,
let cRainChance = jsonContent["currently"]["precipProbability"].double,
let cIconString = jsonContent["currently"]["icon"].string,
let cSummary = jsonContent["currently"]["summary"].string,
let cDailySummary = jsonContent["daily"]["summary"].string
Here is the code after parsing the data that changes the labels on the storyboard.
if self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex == 0 {
UIApplication.sharedApplication().applicationIconBadgeNumber = Int(round(cTemp))
self.tempLabel.text = String(Int(round(cTemp))) + "˚"
self.humidityLabel.text = String(Int(round(cHumidity*100))) + "%"
self.pressureLabel.text = String(Int(round(cPressure))) + NSLocalizedString(" mBar", comment: "milli Bar")
self.windSpeedLabel.text = String(Int(round(cWindSpeed))) + NSLocalizedString(" Km/h", comment: "Kilo fe El sa3a")
self.realFeelLabel.text = String(Int(round(cFeelsLike))) + "˚"
self.windDirectionLabel.text = self.windDirectionNotation(cWindDirection)
self.rainChanceLabel.text = String(Int(round(cRainChance * 100))) + "%"
// self.visibilityLabel.text = String(Int(round(cVisibility))) + NSLocalizedString(" Km", comment: "Km")
self.descriptionLabel.text = cSummary
self.descriptionMoreLabel.text = cDailySummary
self.bgImage.image = self.bgPicker(cIconString) //Change BG according to currently weather conditions.
} else {
self.tempLabel.text = String(Int(round(cTemp))) + "˚"
self.humidityLabel.text = String(Int(round(cHumidity*100))) + "%"
self.pressureLabel.text = String(Int(round(cPressure))) + NSLocalizedString(" mBar", comment: "milli Bar")
self.windSpeedLabel.text = String(Int(round(cWindSpeed))) + NSLocalizedString(" mph", comment: "meel fee el sa3a")
self.realFeelLabel.text = String(Int(round(cFeelsLike))) + "˚"
self.windDirectionLabel.text = self.windDirectionNotation(cWindDirection)
self.rainChanceLabel.text = String(Int(round(cRainChance * 100))) + "%"
// self.visibilityLabel.text = String(Int(round(cVisibility))) + NSLocalizedString(" mi", comment: "meel")
self.descriptionLabel.text = cSummary
self.descriptionMoreLabel.text = cDailySummary
self.bgImage.image = self.bgPicker(cIconString) //Change BG according to currently weather conditions.
etc. are purely local variables, you are not doing anything with them, so what is the purpose of your code? – matt