
I have a requirement of capturing person image using camera and storing in IBM Notes native database and displaying it a field / area on front end (on xpage). Can I achieve this functionality in xpages? Supported equipment e.g. camera?

Can you please guide me is this possible? If yes how it's possible for both thick and thin client.

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards, Qaiser

What have you done so far?Sven Hasselbach
Hi Qaiser, I don't know what you are exactly trying to achieve, but we wrote an article about this in 2013: pipalia.co.uk/xpages-2/… Hope this helps.pipalia
Pipalia, will your code work on an Apple iOS device?Howard
Dear All, thanks for prompt response. Actually I want to develop visitor management system and at reception security incharge will capture image and store into document which will be emailed to host as link. This i my initial requirements. So for I have done nothing.Qaiser Abbas
@pipalia thanks for reply. Actually I gone through your article before this post. But unable to get much about it because so for I have not used JAVA. Only working on CSJS and SSJS.Qaiser Abbas

1 Answers


If you want to do this using a web application/ XPage (and not an app) you can't access the camera directly. However, if you use a file upload control on a mobile device (Android or iOS smartphone or tablet), it will ask you if you want to select a picture from the local gallery or take a picture.

I would use that feature to take and immediately upload the picture to the database. I recently wrote an article how to accomplish that using DropzoneJS: that plugin allows you to add for example a button to your XPage that says "Take picture" and immediately upload it to your Domino database once the picture is taken.