
I am submitting form to /add route BUT when i click on submit button it gives this error Using : Larvel 5

{ SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '$name' for key 'name' (SQL: insert into projects (id, name, money, anything) values (, $name, 20, asfsf)) }


{!! Form::open(array('url' => 'add')) !!}
  {!! Form::text('name', '[email protected]') !!}
  {!! Form::submit('Click Me!')!}
{!! Form::close() !!}


Route::post('add', function () {
   $test = Input::get('name');
   echo $test;

DB Snap: enter image description here

PS: I want to echo the input field value but it gives the above mentioned error.

Can you share your migration file or table schema for projects?Jeff Lambert
Why I don't see any DB related code in add route?Alexey Mezenin
Probably, you are typing '$name' somewhere, where you should type just $name.Laerte
@JeffLambert edited please checkuser5913661
I've just tested your code and it works fine. I can see [email protected] as output. I've created view and copy-pasted your form there. Also, I've copy-pasted your route. Works fine.Alexey Mezenin

1 Answers


You're inserting nothing for the id. notice the blank space before the comma in values (, $name, 20, asfsf)) }.

If your id field is set to auto-increment (looks like it is) then remove id from your insert statement.

insert into projects (name, money, anything) values ($name, 20, 'asfsf')