I'm trying to make the code faster in Julia using parallelization. My code has nested serial for-loops and performs value function iteration. (as decribed in http://www.parallelecon.com/vfi/)
The following link shows the serial and parallelized version of the code I wrote: https://github.com/minsuc/MyProject/blob/master/VFI_parallel.ipynb (You can find the functions defined in DefinitionPara.jl in the github page too.) Serial code is defined as main() and parallel code is defined as main_paral().
The third for-loop in main() is the step where I find the maximizer given (nCapital, nProductivity). As suggested in the official parallel documentation, I distribute the work over nCapital grid, which consists of many points.
When I do @time for the serial and the parallel code, I get
Serial: 0.001041 seconds
Parallel: 0.004515 seconds
My questions are as follows:
1) I added two workers and each of them works for 0.000714 seconds and 0.000640 seconds as you can see in the ipython notebook. The reason why parallel code is slower is due to the cost of overhead?
2) I increased the number of grid points by changing
vGridCapital = collect(0.5*capitalSteadyState:0.000001:1.5*capitalSteadyState)
Even though each worker does significant amount of work, serial code is way faster than the parallel code. When I added more workers, serial code is still faster. I think something is wrong but I haven't been able to figure out... Could it be related to the fact that I pass too many arguments in the parallelized function
final_shared(mValueFunctionNew, mPolicyFunction, pparams, vGridCapital, mOutput, expectedValueFunction)?
I will really appreciate your comments and suggestions!