At the company I'm currently working we've recently started to move our code into different private repositories so that it's more maintainable and reusable (and also to make it easier to open-source it later).
Every PHP repository is also a Composer package that can be required in our project whenever we need it.
At the moment there's an issue with this approach: every time we need a package that depends on other packages we need to specify those also in the root composer.json.
For example, let's say that the in the root composer.json we need to require two packages company\b
and company\c
, and that the package company\c
needs another package company\d
. Then the resulting root composer.json
will look like this:
"require": {
"company/b": "dev-master",
"company/c": "dev-master",
"company/d": "dev-master"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Company\\" : "src\Company"
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
Is there a way to avoid specifying nested dependencies in the root composer.json and use the ones specified in the composer.json in every package?
Everything I stated before is valid only for the private packages. If a package, let's say company\b
, needs a public package that can be found on Packagist then that dependency CAN be specified in the company\b
composer.json and it will be imported.